RIHN selected as Future Earth Regional Hub for Asia
Further, one of the five hubs that will together form the global secretariat of Future Earth will be located in Tokyo. Japan will be making significant contributions to this important international initiative by hosting both global and regional hubs.
According to the official announcement by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the five global hubs will be located in Tokyo (Japan), Montreal (Canada), Paris (France), Stockholm (Sweden) and Colorado (USA). The regional hubs are RIHN (for Asia), the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (for Latin America), the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (for Europe) and The Cyprus Institute (for the Middle East and North Africa).
Future Earth is a 10-year research programme, and it is expected that thousands of researchers from all over the world will be involved in the programme. RIHN will be taking the lead in Future Earth in Asia focusing on in particular environmental problems specific to Asia or the areas of research in which Asian scientists can take the global lead.
For more information, please visit the ICSU website.
July 1, 2014AUTHOR
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