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“Future Earth Strategic Research Agenda 2014” Japanese translation published

“The Strategic Research Agenda 2014” was written by the Future Earth Science Committee and interim Engagement Committees in December 2014 to present a framework for global change and sustainability agenda-setting for researchers and funders, and to identify key priorities for the next 3–5 years which can be used as starting points for the development of research strategies and funding programmes. The document was tranlated into Japanese and published in January 2016 by the the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.

The Strategic Research Agenda 2014 is the result of consultation processes with global environmental change research communities and stakeholders from business, government and civil society, as well as an open online survey that received contributions from people in 74 countries worldwide. It is intended to be used across different domains, disciplines and regions of the world, by a range of different agencies and stakeholders, to inform priority-setting for research and research funding. A new Strategic Research Agenda will be developed and published by Future Earth every few years.

The Strategic Research Agenda 2014 advocates not just a set of research priorities, but also a novel way of doing science. This approach is detailed in the Future Earth 2025 Vision and includes a strong emphasis on full integration among scientific disciplines, on engagement with societal partners in co-designing and co-producing knowledge, on international collaboration, on producing knowledge that is valuable to decision-makers, and on generating the solutions that society needs.

Future Earth Strategic Research Agenda 2014 (Japanese translation) Download