Integration and Implementation Insights: a blog forum for all researchers engaging with society for real-world changes
Integration and Implementation Insights (also known as I2Insights) is a community weblog for researchers who are interested in better concepts and methods for understanding and acting on complex social and environmental problems – problems like refugee crises, global climate change, and inequality. The blog offers an active forum beyond the boundaries of expertise to share and exchange ideas to:
- identify and synthesize diverse knowledge (from different disciplines and stakeholders);
- understand and manage what we cannot know; and
- engage policy makers and practitioners to implement research findings.
The rationale is that all science progresses by adapting useful ideas from complementary fields, but these ideas can be hard to find. The I2Insights blog provides easy access to methods and concepts for understanding and supporting action on complex real-world problems which have been developed by a diverse range of researchers.
The blog is run by the Integration and Implementation Sciences team at The Australian National University (ANU). The team leader and ANU Professor Gabriele Bammer says “At one year old with more than 120 posts, the blog is proud to have had contributors from 21 countries covering stakeholders, collaboration, co-creation, inter- and trans-disciplinarity, modeling, implementation, unknowns, and more.” She welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines. "Your blog post about your favourite concept or method might just spark innovation for someone else."
If you are interested in contributing, contact Professor Gabriele Bammer.
May 8, 2017AUTHOR
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