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New initiatives for Future Earth in Asia discussed at Science Council of Asia

Representatives from Asian countries gathered at the 18th Conference of the Science Council of Asia to discuss the latest and future developments for Future Earth in Asia.

During the 18th Conference of the Science Council of Asia, held on 5-7 December at the Science Council of Japan in Tokyo, a plenary session for Future Earth in Asia was convened on 6 December, where representatives from Asian countries and region met to discuss the latest developments and future engagement for Future Earth in Asia.

With presenters including Prof. Leena Shrivastava, Co-Chair of the Future Earth Advisory Committee, and Dr. Mazlan Othman, Director of the International Science Council-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ISC-ROAP), the Session brought together some 50 participants.

In the Session, leaders of the newly launched Future Earth national networks in Mongolia and the Philippines introduced their activities. The representatives of the committees of Korea, Taipei and Japan, as well as of Indonesia, where a national committee is being established, joined the discussion and exchanged their views on challenges and opportunities for the national level initiatives. The Session also discussed possibility to launch a new project focused on air pollution and human health in Asia building on the existing research networks. Participants further explored how the regional and national perspectives can be reflected to the Future Earth’s new cross-cutting research initiative to tackle global systemic challenges.

The 18th Conference for the Science Council of Asia was organized around the theme of “Role of Science for Society: Strategies towards SDGs in Asia” and adopted a Declaration which sets out strategies for science and technology to play an important role towards achieving the SDGs in the region.  One of the Strategies is “Strengthening Communities of Scientists in Asia for Contributing to Social Needs”, which emphasized important roles of “communication channels with international organizations such as ISC-ROAP and Future Earth to strengthen the capacity of science practitioners to influence the policy making process.”

Future Earth session at the 18th Science Council of Asia Conference “Future Earth in Asia: Regional and National Perspectives”


Prof. Tetsuzo Yasunari, Future Earth Advisory Committee and the Director-General of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)

Prof. Hein Mallee, the Director of the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia and the Deputy Director-General of the RIHN


  • Prof. Leena Shrivastava  (Co-Chair, Future Earth Advisory Committee)
  • Dr. Mazlan Othman (Director, ISC Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific)
  • Prof. Mitsuo Uematsu (Member, ISC Regional Committee; Future Earth Ocean KAN; Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
  • Dr. Shin-Chun Candice Lung (Chair, Future Earth Tiwan Commettee; Academia Sinica)
  • Prof. Soonchang Yoon (Chair, Future Earth Korea National Committee; Vice-President, Korean Academy of Science and Technology)
  • Prof. Chuluun Togtokh (Chair, Future Earth Mongolia National Committee; Professor, Mongolian National University)
  • Prof. Lourdes J Cruz (Chair, Future Earth Philippines National Committee; National Academy of Science and Technology of Philippines)
  • Prof. Makoto Taniguchi (Future Earth Nexus KAN; Deputy Director-General, RIHN)
  • Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi (Chair, Future Earth Japan National Committee; Vice Chair, Science Council of Japan; President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)
  • Dr. Fumiko Kasuga (Future Earth Global Hub Director – Japan; Senior Fellow, National Institute for Environmental StudiesVisiting Professor, The University of Tokyo)
  • Dr. Wang Qinxue (National Institute of Environmental Studies)

The Science Council of Asia is an international scientific organization founded in 2000 by Asian science academies and other national scientific organizations. SCA aims to provide scientists in all fields, including cultural and social as well as natural sciences and technology, a collaborative platform for promoting scientific exchange and cooperation in Asia, and to develop and promote a holistic vision focusing on sustainable development and improvement in quality of life. At present it is comprised of 31 academic organizations from 18 countries/region in Asia. The host countries for the annual Conferences are rotated among member countries and the 18th Conference will be hosted by the Science Council of Japan.

Details about the 18th Science Council of Asia Conference can be found at the Conference website.