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TERRA School: Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School

The TERRA School is a short-term intensive course on co-creation and transdisciplinary research in practice, organized by the Research Institute for Humanity & Nature (RIHN) in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia.

The TERRA School promotes and builds capacity for transdisciplinary research, where researchers and societal stakeholders work together to address challenges facing humanity in Asia. It is envisioned to be a cultivation encounter, aimed at creating awareness of what transdisciplinarity can offer and the challenges involved in its implementation.

The school features lectures, workshops and interactive sessions on theories and practice of transdisciplinary research. It will include structured learning on tools and methodologies used in TD (e.g. problem framing, stakeholder mapping, analysis and visioning) and introduction to the various transdisciplinary research conducted at RIHN. A field visit and interaction with local stakeholders in Kameoka City, Kyoto will provide on the ground exposure to participants of actual transdisciplinary projects.

Schedule: December 9-13, 2019 (Monday to Friday)

Venue: Research Institute for Humanity & Nature, Kyoto, Japan

Target Participants: The TERRA School is designed for early career researchers and practitioners living and working in Asia, with an interest in transdisciplinary research.

Organizer: Research Institute for Humanity & Nature in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia

*The call for application for the TERRA School 2019 has already been closed.


December 9, 2019


Future Earth Staff Member



Call for participants: TERRA School 2022

Early-career Researchers in Asia Learn Transdisciplinarity

Call for participants: TERRA School 2021