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Bridging Sustainability Research with Policy and Practice: Global Research Forum 4th International Conference on Transforming Production and Consumption
Future Earth

Bridging Sustainability Research with Policy and Practice: Global Research Forum 4th International Conference on Transforming Production and Consumption

Date: June 26, 2019

Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production is a contributing partner of this international forum.

There is growing alarm and political tensions surrounding the ecological and social challenges reflected in the Paris Climate Agreement, IPCC report, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is a clear need to scale the translation of ‘know-how’ and solutions in order to transform systems of production and consumption towards sustainability.

Given this context, the fourth international conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption (GRF) takes stock of sustainable production and consumption research, including cutting edge insights, and accelerates the engagement of researchers with knowledge users in business, policy and practice. The Hong Kong 2018 conference builds on many GRF regional meetings and workshops and the three previous international GRF conferences in Rio de Janeiro (2012), Shanghai (2014), and Brighton (2017).

The conference is organized to identify insights and linkages across the SPAC research themes and actively bridge research with policy and practice. The scope covers local and global issues and interconnections across scales, connecting regions, networks of practitioners and researchers.

The Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption (GRF) brings together individuals and organizations engaged in research and its applications on the transition towards sustainable production/consumption systems from various regions of the world. It builds on more than twenty years of research tradition on sustainable production and consumption by numerous researchers, institutes, and networks around the world, and on many successful attempts to apply research findings into policy, civil society, and business.

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