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Asia Center
Workshop to Support SIMSEA Japan
Future Earth

Workshop to Support SIMSEA Japan

Date: February 05, 2016

This workshop is planned to promote the international program called Sustainability Initiative in the Marginal Seas of South and East Asia (SIMSEA) in Japan by Application Laboratory, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),Center for International Collaboration Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo,and Japan Society of Ocean Policy. The SIMSEA program was introduced originally by ICSU Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific to support Future Earth led by ICSU and ISSC, particularly from the viewpoint of sustainability of the marginal seas in South and East Asia.

The workshop aims to strengthen a network of networks among researchers to support SIMSEA, to propose interdisciplinary research plans to achieve within the framework of SIMSEA, and to plan some case studies which may contribute to the integrated coastal zone management based on solid marine science.