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Asia Center
SRI2023 Asia Spotlight Event
Future Earth

SRI2023 Asia Spotlight Event

Date: July 10, 2023 - July 12, 2023

Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI)  is a joint initiative of the Future Earth and Belmont Forum and the world’s largest transdisciplinary gathering for the global sustainability community. The third edition of the SRI Congress, SRI2023, will be held online and in Panama City, Panama, from June 26-30, 2023, hosted by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Panama (SENACYT) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) bringing this global event to the Latin American and Caribbean Region. More than 1500 experts from around the world are expected to join us for this event. It will offer an engaging program of over 200 workshops, plenaries, innovation demonstrations, and networking events highlighting some of the latest research and innovation in sustainability. 

To further elevate sustainability research and innovation in Asia, SRI is offering a virtual Asia Spotlight Event (ASE) from 10-12 July 2023The Event will provide a platform for sustainability experts, including policymakers, early-career researchers, students, and civil society and industry leaders, to highlight and showcase regional sustainability challenges and opportunities.

The event will be hosted by Future Earth Global Secretariat Hubs across Asia (China, Japan, South Asia, and Taipei) in a time zone convenient for the entire Asia region.

This event will showcase the richness of Asian perspectives in sustainability science and innovation. Drawing from the deeply rooted cultural and traditional contexts that value harmonious relationships between humans and nature and the innovations that characterize unprecedented economic growth, the Asian region has a wealth of knowledge and innovation to offer the wider world. SRI2023 is hoping to strengthen regional dialogue and networks by providing an inclusive platform for increased visibility and collaboration.

At the Asia Spotlight Event, 20 parallel sessions on a variety of topics are planned to discuss the challenges and prospects for sustainability in Asia. Session keywords include: Planetary health, One health approaches, Energy Transition, Social-ecological resilience, Adaptive governance, Social and economic vulnerability assessment, Anticipatory sea-level rise initiatives, Educational partnerships, Carbon neutrality, Submerged small island communities, Cryosphere-affected regions, Migration and women, Nature-based business principles, Dialogue for transformation, Meta network on oceans, Seas and coasts, Water-energy-food nexus, Citizen science, Coral reef-island systems, and Palm oil paradox.

The Future Earth Secretariat Hubs in Asia have collaboratively organized several open-access (free) sessions for the ASE. Among them, the Closing Plenary aims to develop an actionable roadmap that takes Asia forward in sustainable science and innovation. It will consist of a keynote by Dr. Oyun Sanjaasuren, an overview of each of the Asia Spotlight Event themes by the ECR Fellows, and a forward-looking panel discussion with interactive discussions.  

The program is now available! Click HERE to explore the sessions!

Register for the SRI2023 and Asia Spotlight Event